Getting stuck in your eyes can be painful and even life-threatening. Whether it’s dust or a foreign body, it’s important to know how to remove it safely so you don’t get irritated or hurt.
In this guide, we’ll look at ways to safely remove something stuck in your eye and effective ways to remove foreign bodies from your eyes.
Assessing the Situation:
1. Stay Calm
It’s important to remain calm so that you don’t cause any more eye irritation or damage. Don’t rub the eye that’s been affected, as this can make the situation worse.
2. Assess the Severity
Identify the size and type of object lodged in your eye. Small particles, such as dust or dirt, can be removed with mild techniques.
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However, if the object is large or causing severe pain or discomfort, it is best to seek medical attention immediately.
Safe Methods to Remove Something Stuck in Your Eye
Below are the ways to safely remove something stuck in your eye:
1. Wash your hands
Before you try to take the object out of your eye, make sure you wash your hands with soap and warm water to avoid infection.
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2. Flush with Water
Flush your eye gently with clean water. Use a sink or shower to clean your eyes. Move your head to one side and slowly pour water over the affected area. Let the water run over the affected area to rinse it out naturally.
3. Use eye drops
If water doesn’t flush out the object, lubricating eye drops or saline solution may help. Roll your head to one side, pull down the lower eyelid, and infuse a few drops in your eye to flush out the object.
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4. Blinking
Repeated blinking can sometimes help clear small particles out of your eye. To do this, close your eyes tightly and open them quickly.
This will cause the object to move towards the back of your eye, where you can wipe it away.
5. Pull your upper eyelid over your lower eyelid
Lift the top eyelid over the bottom eyelid. Roll your eyes to push the object out of the inside of your eye. Wipe the object out of your eye using a clean cotton swab or tissue.
6. Use a clean cotton swab
If you can see the object and it’s on your eye’s surface or underneath your eyelids, you can gently lift it with a cotton swab.
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Be sure to use a cotton swab that’s not touching your eye surface to prevent further damage.
When to See a Doctor
If you can’t get the object out of your eye using any of these methods, or if you’re experiencing persistent eye pain, irritation, or changes in your vision, contact your eye doctor or a healthcare professional immediately.
Tips for Prevention:
1. Wear protective eyewear
When working with wood, working in the yard, or participating in sports, make sure to wear proper eye protection, such as safety glasses or goggles, to protect your eyes from foreign objects.
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2. Avoid rubbing your eyes
Rubbing eyes can spread dirt, grime, and germs, making them more likely to irritate or get infected. Instead, gently wipe or dab away irritants with a moist tissue or cloth.
3. Keep your environment clean
Clean and dust your home and office regularly to reduce the amount of airborne particles that enter your eyes. Make sure to use proper ventilation when handling chemicals or other dangerous substances.
4. Check for eye irritants
Before you rub your eyes, check to see if any visible irritants such as eyelashes, hair, or makeup particles can irritate your eyes. Carefully remove them with clean hands or with a tissue.
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A Word From GetMe Treated
It’s important to know how ways to safely remove something stuck in your eye. Not only will this help prevent irritation or injury, but it’ll also help keep your eyes healthy.
Here are some safe ways to remove things that stick in your eye, as well as some tips for preventing them in the first place.
These tips will help you address minor eye problems at home, and you’ll know when to seek medical attention.
Remember to stay calm, evaluate the situation, and focus on eye safety in your day-to-day activities.
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Ways To Safely Remove Something Stuck In Your Eye FAQs
How do I get something out of my eye that won’t come out?
Dunk your eyes in a shallow bowl of clean water or a saline solution, then blink. If your eyes don’t come out immediately, gently pull your eyelids back to let the fluid out.
If you’re using a glass only, fill the glass with clean water, place the edge against the inside of your eye, and submerge your eye that way.
Will eye drops help get something out of the eye?
Tears may produce enough fluid to cause the object to be blinked out of your eye.
Will something stuck in your eye work its way out?
Most of the time, foreign bodies in the eye are cleared out by the eye blinking and tearing.
Can you flush your eyes with tap water?
If you do not have saline or contact lens solution, you can use clean, lukewarm water
Is it safe to Rinse your eyes with tap water?
Rinsing contact lenses with tap water or household salt has been linked to serious eye infections caused by various microorganisms, including Acanthamoebae.
Why does my eye feel like something is in it but there isn’t?
Foreign body sensation.
Why does it feel like something is in my eye when I blink?
If your eyes are dry or you don’t have enough tear film, it can feel like there’s something in your eyes when you blink and the two surfaces rub against each other.