8 things you shouldn’t do on an empty stomach
We all know the saying, “You’re what you eat.” But what we eat before a meal can also have a big effect on our overall health.
In this article, we’re going to show you 8 things you shouldn’t do on an empty stomach. Plus, in the end, we’ll tell you what you can eat when you are hungry.
8 Things You Shouldn’t Do On An Empty Stomach
1. Drinking Of Alcohol
Without food, the rate at which alcohol is absorbed increases two-fold and is comparable to intravenous injections.
The rate at which alcohol breakdown products are eliminated decreases, resulting in a bad hangover.
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Alcohol’s rapid action on the body is not without adverse effects on the liver, the heart, and the kidneys.
Tip: If you can’t refuse a glass, opt for cold non-carbonated drinks as they take longer to digest. Or better yet, grab one small sandwich, preferably buttered.
2. Chew Gum
The acid produced by chewing gum damages the lining of the stomach; overindulgence with the gum can cause gastritis.
People who chew gum are more likely to eat chips and candy than fruits and vegetables.
Tip: Natural sweeteners like xylitol and sorbitol are less harmful than sugar, cyclamate, and aspartame. Never chew for more than 10 minutes on a full stomach.
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3. Drinking Of Coffee
Even decaf coffee causes acid to build up in your stomach, which can lead to heartburn and digestive issues if you drink it on an empty stomach after skipping breakfast.
Drinking coffee after skipping breakfast can also cause serotonin deficiency, which can affect your mood for the remainder of the day.
Tip: If you can’t stop drinking coffee in the morning, opt for milk or cream. The fat in the milk will counteract the effects of the lyophilized coffee. Opt for natural coffee instead.
4. Go To Bed
We can’t fall asleep because of hunger and low blood sugar. This causes us to sleep shallowly and wake up early.
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What’s interesting is that sleep deprivation increases hunger hormones. That’s why you eat more the day after you skip dinner.
Tip: It’s also not a good idea to eat too much before going to sleep. The best way to get a good night’s sleep is with a glass of milk.
Milk is packed with magnesium and calcium, both of which are essential for good sleep.
5. Taking Anti-Inflammatories
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs, such as aspirin, are not meant to be taken on empty stomachs.
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Not only do they reduce their effectiveness, but they can also lead to serious health issues (e.g., gastric hemorrhage). Read more about other drugs that shouldn’t be taken on empty stomachs.
Tips: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs can be taken with milk. If you don’t have milk, you can always wash the drug in plenty of water.
6. Intense Training
Some people think that working out on an empty stomach will burn more calories. In reality, it doesn’t affect fat loss, but it does affect muscle loss, which is real. It also reduces exercise intensity because your body doesn’t have the energy to work out.
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Tip: Skip the intense training and go for aerobic exercise instead.
If you have digestive issues, it’s best to eat a snack before any kind of workout because exercise causes your stomach to produce gastric juice, which is bad for an empty stomach.
7. Drink Citrus Juice
Citrus fruit contains acidic and resistant fibers that irritate your stomach on an empty stomach. This is especially harmful for people with gastritis or at risk of developing gastritis.
Citrus juice should only be mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio for people with hyperacidity or a 2:1 ratio for everyone else.
By the way, there are foods other than citrus fruit that you should not eat on an empty stomach.
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8. Shop
We’ve all heard the adage, “When you’re hungry, buy more food.” In fact, when we’re on an empty stomach, we’re more likely to buy food, even if it’s in a non-food store.
According to a recent survey, “When I’m hungry, I want food.” It’s all about the “I”, not the “I.” The hungry person responds to this internal message by buying more food.
In addition to making a shopping list ahead of time, you can also save money by paying in cash. Studies show that people spend less when they pay with cash instead of a credit card.
Addition: What You Can Do When You’re Hungry
You’re probably thinking, “I’ll just eat something.” But there are a few other things you can do while you’re on an empty stomach:
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Solve Problems
When you’re hungry, your ability to focus and pay attention is heightened. Scientists believe this is because our ancestors had to focus all their efforts on getting food.
Actively perform tasks
Hunger stimulates the brain’s hormone ghrelin, which helps you perform various tasks.
Decide what to wear
If you’re trying to decide between a red skirt or a jean jumpsuit, try to do it when you’re not hungry.
Studies show that hunger prompts people to make more, though more impulsive decisions.
Don’t use this method when it comes to financial, relationship, or health issues.
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Frequently Asked Questions Related To 8 Things You Shouldn’t Do On An Empty Stomach
Which food is best for an empty stomach?
Dates and fruits
Can we eat eggs on an empty stomach?
Yes. One of the best breakfast foods to eat on an empty stomach.
Can we eat oranges on an empty stomach?
No. Citrus fruits such as guava and oranges have been linked to increased acid production in the gut, which can lead to gastritis and ulcers.
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Additionally, the high fiber and fructose content of citrus fruits can slow down the digestive system when consumed on an empty stomach.
Which fruit is best to eat in the morning empty stomach?
Fruit such as mangoes, bananas, watermelon, pomegranates, papayas, and guavas are healthy to eat on an empty stomach.
What should be eaten first thing in the morning?
- Chia seeds
- Eggs
- Oatmeal
- Whole grain toast
- Berries
- Greek yogurt
- Coffee
- Cottage cheese, etc.
Can I eat watermelon empty stomach?
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Yes. Eating watermelon on an empty stomach helps you to get rid of the feeling of being really thirsty.
Which fruit is best for the stomach?
Oranges, apples, and bananas are nutritious fruits that help with digestion.
Can we eat cucumber on an empty stomach?
Yes. Cucumbers can also be consumed on an empty stomach.
Is milk good for an empty stomach?
No. Drinking it on an empty stomach might not be the best idea
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A Word From GetMe Treated
The above-mentioned 8 things you shouldn’t do on an empty stomach should be taken seriously! Take note of this, according to research, hunger makes us less focused because self-control needs energy, which we don’t have when we are hungry. So, before you engage in a conversation, grab a snack or grab a hot beverage.